
发布:18-03-20 10:22来源:暂无    点击数:


参编《美国钢结构设计规范》(AISC 360-16)等3部美国国家规范,学术成果被《美国钢结构设计规范》(AISC 360-16)、《美国钢结构抗震设计规范》(AISC 341-16)、《美国核电站安全结构设计规范》(AISC N690s1-15)等3部美国国家规范大量采用(共33处),并被澳大利亚、新西兰等国的组合结构设计规范采用。兼任美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)组合结构委员会委员、美国混凝土协会(ACI)组合结构委员会委员等4项国际学术组织职务,也担任《ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering》、《Engineering Structures》等18个国际知名SCI期刊的审稿人。

2014年获得美国结构稳定协会(SSRC) 颁发的Vinnakota Award-Honorable Mention2015年至今陆续被国际知名SCI期刊《ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering》、《Engineering Structures》、《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》、《Structures》和《Nuclear Engineering and Design》等评为杰出审稿人。





· 2020.4 至今:福州大学,金沙集团186cc成色,副院长(协助院长主持工作)

· 2018.1 至今:福州大学,金沙集团186cc成色,教授/博士生导师,土木工程防震减灾信息化国家地方联合工程研究中心副主任

· 2014.12 – 2018.1:美国普渡大学,金沙集团186cc成色,博士后


· 创新与可持续钢-混凝土组合结构

· 核电站安全壳结构

· 高层钢-混凝土组合结构 (组合框架、联肢剪力墙)

· -混凝土组合结构抗震修复、加固及其在多重耦合极端荷载作用下的性能

· 钢结构桥梁连续倒塌系统冗余度分析与连续性倒塌


· 2020年,福建省青年科技奖(第十五届)

· 2019年,福建省青年五四奖章(第十六届)

· 2014年,Vinnakota Award-Honorable Mention,美国结构稳定协会(SSRC)(全球范围每年三人荣获此奖)

· 2013年,Pai Tao Yeh Fellowship, 美国普渡大学 (Purdue University)

· 2018年,杰出审稿人,Journal of Constructional Steel Research

· 2017年,杰出审稿人,Engineering Structures

· 2017年,杰出审稿人, Structures

· 2016年,杰出审稿人,美国土木工程师协会(ASCE) Journal of Structural Engineering

· 2015年,杰出审稿人, Nuclear Engineering and Design


· 美国土木工程师协会 (ASCE)组合结构委员会,委员(committee member)

· 美国混凝土结构协会 (ACI) 组合结构委员会,委员 (committee member)

· 美国结构稳定协会 (SSRC)薄壁结构分会,委员 task group member

· 美国结构稳定协会 (SSRC)构件稳定分会,委员(task group member)

· 中国青年科技工作者协会, 理事(第六届)

· 中国土木工程学会桥梁及结构工程分会, 理事

· 中国建筑金属结构协会, 检测鉴定加固改造分会, 委员

· 美国土木工程师协会(ASCE), 高级会员(Associate member)

· 美国钢结构协会 (AISC)会员

· 美国地震研究协会 (EERI)会员

· 美国结构工程协会(SEI),会员

审稿SCI期刊 (17)

· ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering》(杰出审稿人)

· ElsevierEngineering Structures》(杰出审稿人)

· ElsevierJournal of Constructional Steel Research》(杰出审稿人)

· ElsevierNuclear Engineering and Design》(杰出审稿人)

· ElsevierStructures》(杰出审稿人)

· ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering

· ASTMJournal of Testing and Evaluation

· ElsevierConstruction and Building Materials

· ElsevierJournal of Building Engineering

· ElsevierMaterials and Design

· ElsevierThin-walled Structures

· SpringerArabian Journal for Science and Engineering

· SpringerEarthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration

· SpringerFrontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering

· SpringerInternational Journal of Steel Structures

· Advanced Steel Construction

· Advances in Structural Engineering

· Steel and Composite Structures


1. 国家高层次青年人才启动项目(2018-2023)200万,主持,在研

2. 福建省高层次创业创新人才启动项目(2018-2023),100万,主持,在研

3. 福州大学人才引进启动项目,200万,主持,在研

4.     国家自然科学基金面上项目(2020-2023)60万,主持,在研

代表性SCI论文 (仅列第一作者或通讯作者文章, 加“*”表示通讯作者)

1.  Lai, Z., Yao, P., Huang, W.*, Chen, B., and Ying, Z. (2020). “Reactive powder concrete-filled steel tube (RPCFT) members subjected to axial tension: experimental study and design.” Structures, 28, 933-942.


2.  Liu, J., Lai, Z.*, Chen, B., and Xu, S. (2020). “Experimental behavior and analysis of steel-laminated concrete (RC and UHPC) composite girders.” Engineering Structures, 225, 111240.


3.  Li, D., Lai, Z.*, Wang Y., and Zheng, Z. (2020). “A non-contact method for estimating the pre-tension of a rectangular membrane structure.” Insight - Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 62(8), 464-470.


4.  Ding, F., Pan, Z., Lai, Z.*, and Yu, Z. (2020). “Experimental study on the seismic behavior of rebar stiffened round-ended CFST columns.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 25(10), 04020071.


5.  Wei, Jiangang, Luo, Xia, Lai, Zhichao*, and Varma, Amit H. (2019). “Experimental behavior and design of high-strength circular CFT short columns.” ASCEJournal of Structural Engineering,146(1), 04019184:1-16.


6.  Guan, Minsheng, Lai, Zhichao*, Xiao, Qian, Du, Hongbiao, and Zhang, Kun (2019). “Bond behavior of concrete-filed steel tube columns using manufactured sand (MS-CFT).” Engineering Structures, 187C, 199-208.


7.  Lai, Zhichao*, and Varma, Amit H. (2019). “Database and review of beam-to-column connections for seismic design of composite special moment frames.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 145(5), 04019023: 1-13.


8.  Lai, Zhichao* and Varma, Amit H. (2018). “High-strength rectangular CFT members: database, modeling, and design of short columns.” ASCEJournal of Structural Engineering, 144(5), 04018036:1-18.


9.  Huang, Weijin, Lai, Zhichao*, Chen, Baochun, Xie, Zhitao, and Varma, Amit H. (2018). “Concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) truss girders: experimental tests, analysis, and design.” Engineering Structures, 156, 118-129.


10.  Huang, Weijin, Lai, Zhichao*, Chen, Baochun, and Yao, Pengyu (2017). “Experimental behavior and analysis of prestressed concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) truss girders.” Engineering Structures, 152, 607-618.


11.  Chen, Baochun, Lai, Zhichao*, Yan, Qiaoling, Varma, Amit H., and Yu, Xinmeng (2017). “Experimental behavior and design of CFT-RC short columns subjected to concentric axial loading.” ASCEJournal of Structural Engineering, 143(11), 04017148: 1-16.


12.  Lai, Zhichao*, Huang, Zhihui, and Varma, Amit H. (2017). “Modeling of high-strength composite special moment frames (C-SMFs) for seismic analysis.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 138, 526-537.


13.  Chen, Baochun, Lai, Zhichao*, Lai, Xiuying, Varma, Amit H., and Yu, Xinmeng (2017). “Creep prediction models for concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) arch bridges.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22(7), 04017027:1-15.


14. Lai, Zhichao*, and Varma, Amit H. (2017). “Seismic behavior and modeling of concrete partially filled spirally welded pipes (CPF-SWP).” Thin-Walled Structures, 113, 240-252.


15. Lai, Zhichao*, Huang, Zhihui, and Varma, Amit H. (2016). “Seismic analysis and performance of high strength composite special moment frames (C-SMFs).” Structures, 9, 165-178.


16. Lai, Zhichao*, and Varma, Amit H. (2016). “Effective stress-strain relationships for analysis of noncompact and slender filled composite (CFT) members.” Engineering Structures, 124, 457-472.


17. Lai, Zhichao*, Varma, Amit H., and Griffis, Lawrence G. (2016). “Analysis and design of noncompact and slender CFT beam-columns.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 142 (1), 04015097:1-14.


18. Lai, Zhichao*, Connor, Robert J., and Varma, Amit H. (2016). “Retrofit of steel columns: parametric studies and design.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22(11), 04016080: 1-11.


19. Lai, Zhichao*, Varma, Amit H., and Connor, Robert J. (2016). “Retrofit of built-up steel columns: modeling and fundamental behavior.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 21(3), 04015054: 1-11.


20. Lai, Zhichao*, and Varma, Amit H. (2015). “Noncompact and slender circular CFT members: experimental database, analysis, and design.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 106, 220-223.

Top 25热点论文: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcsr.2014.11.005

21. Lai, Zhichao*, Varma, Amit H., and Zhang, Kai (2014). “Noncompact and slender rectangular CFT members: experimental database, analysis, and design.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 101, 455–468.

Top 25热点论文: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcsr.2014.06.004


