Announcements for Civil Cup International Tennis Championships (2014)
In order to strengthen the communication of the tennis enthusiasts of fuzhou university with the tennis lovers both at
home and abroad, build good tennis atmosphere in fuzhou, promote the dissemination and promotion of tennis in
fuzhou region, and improve the health level and the life quality of tennis enthusiasts, in line with the concept of
"love tennis, love life", the committee of Civil Cup International Tennis Championships (CCITC) organizes the
tennis match in order to enhance friendship, make friends, exchange and improve the tennis skill between the
tennis enthusiasts.
The notification of the match is as follows:
Organizer:Tennis association of fuzhou university, college of civil engineering at Fuzhou University
Undertaker: DI HAO tennis club (QQ group no. : 52489331)
Sponsors: Beijing Yike Ling trade Co. Ltd.
Friendship support: Icefish tennis club
List of organizing committee: Zhang He-qiu, Lin Jian, Wang Gang, Yang Yan-qun, Ji Tao, Li Yu-lin
Chief referee: Lin Kui
Deputy referee: Cheng Ke-jia
Referees: Shi Sheng-hua, Zhao Hui-xin
Type of sports: Men's singles, mixed doubles and Men's double
(1)男双比赛,2014年11月1日 上午8:00开始 (如遇雨天,时间另定)
(2)混双、男单(交叉进行)比赛,2014年11月2日 上午8:00开始 (如遇雨天,时间另定)
Match time:
(1)Men’s double match: beginning at 8:00 a.m. on November 1, 2014 (In case of a rainy day, the match will be delayed)
(2)Mixed doubles, men's singles (Mixed) match: beginning at 8:00 a.m. on November 2, 2014
(In case of a rainy day, the match will be delayed)
Competition site: Tennis courts of Qi Shan campus (New campus) of Fuzhou university
Judgement: The match is based on trust and refereeing decisions. Only the semi-final and final have
the referees, and trust system is adopted in other matches .
Attending way: Voluntary application and invitation (Registration is free)
报名方式:采取网络报名的方式。请加入帝豪网球俱部乐的QQ群(群号:52489331),加入该群的请求信息注明:“参加土木杯网球比赛”,在该群的群共享中下载报名表。请按参赛队(男双和混双)或选手(男单)的名义填写报名表发至: 861699344@qq.com(联系人:程可佳),报名截止时间为2014年10月20日。
Application methods: The method of network application is adopted. Please join the QQ group of DI HAO
tennis club (group no. : 52489331). The request information to join the group is "Civil Cup Tennis Match."
Download the application form in the Shared File item of the QQ group. Please fill in the forms based on one team (Men’s double and mixed doubles) or one player (Men's singles), and then
send them to: 861699344 @qq.com (Contact person: Cheng Ke-jia). The application
deadline is October 20, 2014.
比赛用球:天龙 POUND
Official ball: Teloon POUND
Participants: The men’s doubles and mixed doubles should be the amateurs whose tennis level should be
larger than CTA2.5 (including CTA 2.5). The same player can only participate in one of the men's singles,
doubles and mixed doubles. The age of participants should be not more than 70 years old.
1. The match will strictly comply the amateur sports management specification issued by the tennis sport
management center of general administration of sport of China and China tennis association. The latest
tennis competition rules and the relevant provisions of the organizing committee are used.
2. The organiser is not responsible for the health problems and the injury (e.g., cramps, pulled muscle etc.)
of players during the match. Please fully warmed up, and do a good job of self-protection. the players
should pay attention to protect their key parts, such as eyes, and buy insurance if needed.
3. The players should check in before 8:00, and please get to warm up in advance. The referees should
come to the tennis court before 7:45, and communicate with chief referee and deputy referee,
and ensure the smooth progress of the match.
4. The weather may be hot, and please take protective equipment (e.g., umbrella, sun scream).
5. If vehicles are not permitted to enter the campus, please park your cars on the side of the university north road,
where there is a door near the tennis court, and walk to the tennis court.
6.The transportation, drinks and lunch of the players and audience should be taken care of themselves
(Taking food or go to the surrounding canteens and restaurants).
The one-card of college town can be used in the canteens of Fuzhou university.
7.There are 11 tennis courts in the new campus of fuzhou university.
The tennis courts are used to match and
warm up for players. Welcome everybody to watch and play tennis.
8. When the match is ended, every player and the audience please take their water bottles and other garbage away.
9. Sponsored way has been opened, and please contact the organizing committee about the sponsorship matters.
Masters gathered, fighting of Sango, and see who is champion.
第一小组 | 第二小组 | 第三小组 | 第四小组 |
A11 | *刘志萌 | A21 | *王钢 | A31 | *彭雪涵 | A41 | *杨艳群 |
唐帅 | 刘建耀 | 刘智英 | 林键 |
A12 | 郑佳 | A22 | 曾文学 | A32 | 刘龙平 | A42 | 战礼明 |
张玉枝 | 项恩哲 | 张宝民 | 金华 |
A13 | 肖云 | A23 | 王东波 | A33 | 阮祚坤 | A43 | 李强 |
卓钟武 | 李小滨 | 刘光鼎 | 吴伟 |
A14 | 黄瑜玢 | A24 |
| A34 |
| A44 |
聂国顺 |
第五小组 | 第六小组 | 第七小组 | 第八小组 |
A51 | *陈英河 | A61 | *李玉林 | A71 | *付金山 | A81 | *张学敏 |
| 冯利松 |
| 李曜 |
| 朱元涛 |
| 艾启巍 |
A52 | 田中玉 | A62 | 陈皓 | A72 | 马晓东 | A82 | 马磊 |
| 艾启盛 |
| 刘锦贤 |
| 林永茂 |
| 黄浪 |
A53 | 陈小杰 | A63 | 肖欣 | A73 | 吴英忠 | A83 | 李文生 |
| 陈楠 |
| 林子正 |
| 林文泰 |
A54 | 严兆崧 | A64 | 李文滔 | A74 | 王中兴 | A84 |
| 黄第 |
| 陈冬青 |
1) 每小组打6场,出线2个,决出16强。
2) 第一小组的第1名与第二小组的第2名,第一小组的第2名与第二小组的第1名,以此类推,决出8强
3) 第一、二小组的第1名和第三、四小组第2名(算小分),第一、二小组的第2名和第三、四小组第1名(算小分)以此类推,决出4强。
4) 第一到四小组的第1名和第五到八四小组第2名(算小分),第一到四小组的第2名和第第五到八四小组第1名(算小分)以此类推,决出2强。
5) 决赛
区域 | 组别 | 序号 | 混双 | 区域 | 组别 | 序号 | 混双 |
上半区 | A组 | *B11 | 罗伟 | 下半区 | C组 | *B31 | 高翔 |
薛嵩剑(女) | 陈清霞(女) |
B12 | 史凌宇 | B32 | 梁珽 |
廖莎(女) | 于冰(女) |
B13 | 张勇 | B33 | 小池 |
陈如冰(女) | 林巍(女) |
B14 | 韩晓明 | B34 | 陈强 |
秦小波(女) | 张平(女) |
B组 | *B21 | 黄道炫 | D组 | *B41 | 陈建聪 |
刘斌(女) | 罗治前(女) |
B22 | 叶澍 | B42 | 张各付 |
崔丽敏(女) | 陈秀华(女) |
B23 | 黄宏生 | B43 | 林键 |
葛海峡(女) | 小刘(女) |
B24 |
| B44 |
序号 | 姓名 | 序号 | 姓名 |
1 | 季韬 | 33 | *林应锦 |
2 | Said Easa(加) | 34 | 郑岸以 |
3 | 江桦 | 35 | 马晓春 |
4 | 周范锴 | 36 | 李林贵 |
5 | *陈文峰 | 37 | 刘赟 |
6 | 李家琪 | 38 | 庄曙昭 |
7 | 吴迎昕 | 39 | 卢为勇 |
8 | 姜磊巍 | 40 | 廖冰源 |
9 | *吴强 | 41 | *朱新闪 |
10 | 陈福明 | 42 | 康连胜 |
11 | 郑平允 | 43 | 吴建凡 |
12 | 姜辉 | 44 | 王明宏 |
13 | 赵文平 | 45 | 陈希 |
14 | 陈振宇 | 46 | 林伟 |
15 | 韦祎 | 47 | 吴开宁 |
16 | 黄豪 | 48 | 林钊臻 |
17 | *王在森 | 49 | *邱雨辰 |
18 | 蔡有恒 | 50 | 易志华 |
19 | 乔康熙 | 51 | 高灯明 |
20 | 李建文 | 52 | 蒋金龙 |
21 | 郭智锋 | 53 | 李建勋 |
22 | 周凡 | 54 | 郑志雄 |
23 | 王德丰 | 55 | 余思巧 |
24 | 黄斐白 | 56 | 张玮轩 |
25 | *朱统文 | 57 | David(亚美尼亚) |
26 | 张文杰 | 58 | 陈祥凯 |
27 | 王松伟 | 59 | *何林财 |
28 | 杨艳群 | 60 | 赵少杰 |
29 | 黄鼎 | 61 | 庄阳辉 |
30 | 阮祚坤 | 62 | 陈军华 |
31 | 孙克双 | 63 | 黄医生(美) |
32 | 魏辰 | 64 | 叶宁 |
晋级规则:1) 1-32为上半区,33-64为下半区,每个半区按序号各分4个小组,每个小组决出1个8强名额。
2) 上、下半区各决出1个各额,进行决赛。
3) 第一轮比赛,单号和双号比,决出进入32强的名额。
场地1 | 场地2 | 场地3 | 场地4 | 场地5 | 场地6 | 场地7 | 场地8 |
A11vsA12 | A13vsA14 | A21vsA22 |
| A31vsA32 |
| A41vsA42 |
A51vsA52 | A53vsA54 | A61vsA62 | A63vsA64 | A71vsA72 | A73vsA74 | A81vsA82 |
A11vsA13 | A12vsA14 | A21vsA23 |
| A31vsA33 |
| A41vsA43 |
A51vsA53 | A52vsA54 | A61vsA63 | A62vsA64 | A71vsA73 | A72vsA74 | A81vsA83 |
A11vsA14 | A12vsA13 | A22vsA23 |
| A32vsA33 |
| A42vsA43 |
A51vsA54 | A52vsA53 | A61vsA64 | A62vsA63 | A71vsA74 | A72vsA73 | A82vsA83 |
A11-A14 (第一名) VS A21-A24(第二名) | A11-A14 (第二名) VS A21-A24(第一名) | A31-A34 (第一名) VS A41-A44(第二名) | A31-A34 (第二名) VS A41-A44(第一名) | A51-A54 (第一名) VS A61-A64(第二名) | A51-A54 (第二名) VS A61-A64(第一名) | A71-A74 (第一名) VS A81-A84(第二名) | A71-A74 (第二名) VS A81-A84(第一名) |
A11-A24 (第一名) VS A31-A44(第二名) | A11-A24 (第二名) VS A31-A44(第一名) | A51-A64 (第一名) VS A71-A84(第二名) | A51-A64 (第二名) VS A71-A84(第一名) |
A11-A44 (第一名) VS A51-A84(第二名) | A11-A44 (第二名) VS A51-A84(第一名) |
A11-A84 VS A11-A84 |
王灿强 | 何灵伟 | 钱海敏 | 邵晓燕 | 周骏宇 | 吴洪文 | 林华艺 | 杨越凡 |
场地1 | 场地2 | 场地3 | 场地4 | 场地5 | 场地6 | 场地7 | 场地8 | 场地9 | 场地10 | 场地11 |
1vs2 | B11vsB12 | B13vsB14 | B21vsB22 | B23vsB24 | B31vsB32 | B33vsB34 | B41vsB42 | B43vsB44 | 3vs4 | 5vs6 |
7vs8 | 9vs10 | 11vs12 | 13vs14 | 15vs16 | 17vs18 | 19vs20 | 21vs22 | 23vs24 | 25vs26 | 27vs28 |
29vs30 | B11vsB13 | B12vsB14 | B21vsB23 | B22vsB24 | B31vsB33 | B32vsB34 | B41vsB43 | B42vsB44 | 31vs32 | 33vs34 |
35vs36 | 37vs38 | 39vs40 | 41vs42 | 43vs44 | 45vs46 | 47vs48 | 49vs50 | 51vs52 | 53vs54 | 55vs56 |
57vs58 | B11vsB14 | B12vsB13 | B21vsB24 | B22vsB23 | B31vsB34 | B32vsB33 | B41vsB44 | B42vsB43 | 59vs60 | 61vs62 |
1-2 vs 3-4 | 5-6 vs 7-8 | 9-10 vs 11-12 | 13-14 vs 15-16 | 17-18 vs 19-20 | 21-22 vs 23-24 | 25-26 vs 27-28 | 29-30 vs 31-32 | 33-34 vs 35-36 | 37-38 vs 39-40 | 63vs64 |
41-42 vs 43-44 | B11-B14 (第一名)vs B21-B24(第二名) | B11-B14 (第二名)vs B21-B24(第一名) | B31-B34 (第一名)vs B41-B44(第二名) | B31-B34 (第二名)vs B41-B44(第一名) | 45-46 vs 47-48 | 49-50 vs 51-52 | 53-54 vs 55-56 | 57 vs 59-60 | 61-62 vs 63-64 |
1-4 vs 5-8 | B11-B24 (第一名)vs B31-B44(第二名) | B11-B24 (第二名)vs B31-B44(第一名) | 9-12 vs 13-16 | 17-20 vs 21-24 | 25-28 vs 29-32 | 33-36 vs 37-40 | 41-44 vs 45-48 | 49-52 vs 53-56 | 57-60 vs 61-64 |
1-8 vs 9-16 | B11-B44 vs B11-B44 | 17-24 vs 25-32 | 33-40 vs 41-48 | 49-56 vs 57-64 |
1-16 vs 17-32 | 33-48 vs 49-64 |
1-32 vs 33-64 |
王灿强 | 何灵伟 | 钱海敏 | 邵晓燕 | 周骏宇 | 吴洪文 | 林华艺 | 杨越凡 | 黄帅 | 王鹏辉 | 周泉 |